00:09:36 Shea Lemar: https://nsgic.org/ 00:12:03 Shea Lemar: A video of today's webinar and the power point will be made available to everyone in about a week. 00:14:01 Rhonda Perozzo, South Sound 911: Reacted to "A video of today's w..." with 👍 00:14:43 Kelly Mukherjee: Reacted to "A video of today's w..." with 👍 00:21:27 Derek Bedarf: Reacted to "A video of today's w..." with 👍 00:23:23 Shea Lemar: https://www.scdigitaldrive.org/ 00:47:34 Jackie Reader: For your challenge portal, were you able to use the out-of-the-box experience builder on AGOL or did you use developer edition? And is it hosted on AGOL or your web server? 00:48:26 Jackie Reader: Also, regarding the FCC map, did your broadband office submit any bulk challenges, or would you say the map was fairly accurate for your state? 00:50:25 Shea Lemar: How do you determine if a BSL is served or not served? 00:52:52 Shauna-Rae Brown: Reacted to "How do you determi..." with 👍🏻 00:53:15 Jackie Reader: You mentioned you used field maps, is this what you used for managing the required geotagged photos during construction, or how was field maps used? 00:55:10 Kevin.Hoffman: Did your team look into any packaged software solutions for the Challenge Portal? Our team is looking into a product (ready.net), but wondering if you explored anything like that, and if you found any limitations? Sounds like most of that was built in-house 00:56:07 mherzberger: https://ors.sc.gov/sites/scors/files/Documents/Broadband/DSL%20A%20Discussion%20Paper.pdf 01:00:44 Shea Lemar: It seems like you have good relationships with your ISPs, which is great. How did you make sure that happened? 01:00:56 Jackie Reader: Are you having ISPs pick their own project areas for BEAD (outside of selecting a priority area first), or are you doing any pre-packaging or bundling ahead of time? 01:02:33 Leland Pierce , NM: As we get close to the finish here, just wanted to shout out a thanks to Shea Lemar and her team with NSGIC's GIS 101 program for putting this on. Another very useful product, job well done. 01:03:15 Adam DeMars - SC: Reacted to "As we get close to t..." with 👍 01:05:26 Shauna-Rae Brown: Reacted to "As we get close to..." with 👍 01:05:59 Kelly Mukherjee: Reacted to "As we get close to t..." with 👏 01:06:07 Emily Ruetz: Reacted to "As we get close to t..." with ❤️ 01:06:44 Shea Lemar: Thank you for this amazing presentation Michael, James and Adam! 01:06:54 Shea Lemar: A video of today's webinar and the power point will be made available to everyone in about a week. 01:06:55 mherzberger: Reacted to "A video of today's w..." with 👍 01:06:58 Jackie Reader: Thank you for sharing your process! 01:07:00 mherzberger: Reacted to "Thank you for this a..." with 👍 01:07:04 Jackie Reader: Reacted to "A video of today's..." with 👍