2023 Annual Conference & Golf Classic

The NSGIC Board of Directors, Conference Committee, and staff are looking forward to heading to New Orleans for the 2023 NSGIC Annual Conference to be held September 24-29 at The Westin New Orleans. The Inaugural National Geospatial Golf Classic will be held in the Saturday prior to the conference at the Lakewood Golf Club. Proceeds from the Golf Classic event will benefit the 501(c)(3) National Geospatial Collaborative that is being established.

The NSGIC Annual Conference is the place to enhance geospatial excellence and collaboration for state, local, tribal, and federal GIS policymakers and coordinators, private sector partners and other leaders in the geospatial ecosystem. Providing critical and timely networking opportunities, the conference also offers the chance to connect, collaborate, and share with colleagues and partners.

Registration Details

A full meeting registration includes access to live plenary sessions and other programming, on-demand content, conference mobile app and all networking activities. Meals provided with your registration fee include breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday. The Awards Reception will have heavy hors d’oeuvres, but will not be a proper sit down dinner. The evening Dine Around and other off-site activities will be “pay your own way“. The Annual Conference will, again, be an in-person event with no hybrid or virtual registration option. To register, you will need to be a NSGIC member and logged in to your account. Please note that all corporate attendees must be business partners in good standing to attend NSGIC conferences.

Rates & Deadlines

Flyer of activities to do in New Orleans

Conference Activities Requiring Separate Registration

WORKSHOP: Practical Steps for 3DHP Preparation - Monday, Sept. 25

States are actively planning for 3DHP acquisition and the development and enhancement of statewide hydrography data and resources that will support the transition from NHD to 3DHP. Join this workshop to learn about practical measures these states and their regional partners are taking to prepare for 3DHP implementation.

Demonstrating or "Selling" the Value of GIS - Sunday, Sept. 24

This Academy will be an in-person only session and will cover how state GIS offices can report accomplishments, promote their products and services, and seek support for new initiatives, especially to non-GIS professionals. Topics to include: Branding, Social media, Effective use of output & outcome metrics, Storytelling & The power of infographics. Participation in this event is limited to GIOs, Deputy GIOs, NSGIC State Representatives and by GIO or State Representative invitation only.

Inaugural National Geospatial Golf Classic
Saturday  |  September 23, 2023  |  1:00 pm CT

The first annual National Geospatial Golf Classic will be held at the Lakewood Golf Club in conjunction with the 2023 NSGIC Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA. Proceeds from the Golf Classic event will benefit the 501(c)(3) National Geospatial Collaborative that is being established.

If you have questions about the golf classic or are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to Ashley.

Boxed Lunches: 12:00 pm
Shotgun Start: 1:00 pm
Best Ball / Scramble Format
Raffle and Contest Prizes to Follow

Call for Abstracts

We are no longer accepting abstracts.

For the 2023 NSGIC Annual Conference we are soliciting abstracts for live plenary content, which will be selected on a competitive basis. Preference will be given to State presentations and those business partners and private sector submissions that feature involvement with the states and/or a panel presentation that includes state representatives.


Geospatial Excellence Awards

All NSGIC members in good standing may submit nominations for the Geospatial Excellence Awards per the categories below. Past award winners can be found on the Awards Page. We are no longer accepting award nominations for 2023.

NSGIC Service Awards
Lifetime  |  Outstanding  |  Distinguished  |  Dedicated

Nominations for Service Awards are handled by the NSGIC Board of Directors and presented at the Annual Conference. For a list of past award winners please visit the NSGIC Awards page.


The NSGIC group block at The Westin New Orleans where the conference will be held is almost full! NSGIC has added rooms at the adjacent DoubleTree Hotel at the Government Rate for overflow. If you have any questions about housing or need help with booking a room please reach out to ashley.sievert@nsgic.org for assistance.

Once registered for the conference, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the group block booking site. Group rates will be based on per diem ($136) plus tax.

Air Travel

Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport: Distance to hotel: 12 miles, roughly a 30-minute drive. The hotel does not have an airport shuttle, however, the airport has many convenient and affordable options for ground transportation to include taxis, shuttles, rental cars and app-based ride share. The Airport’s central location offers easy access to I-10 and is located only a short drive from Downtown New Orleans, the French Quarter, and the Central Business District.


If you prefer to take the train, Amtrak has a stop right downtown (Union Passenger Terminal) which is about a 10-minute drive to the hotel.

Business Partners

For more information about our current business partnerships, or for current sponsors who would like to register additional colleagues for the conference, please contact Amy Holmes.

Contact Amy Holmes

Sticker Swap

Don’t forget about the always popular, Sticker Swap! Bring some stickers from your organization to share with others. There will be an area setup near registration to drop off and pick up.

Take a few, leave a few! 

​​Getting Around the City

As one of the world’s most celebrated and iconic destinations for global meetings and conventions, leisure visitors, major cultural festivals and national sporting championships, New Orleans welcomes millions of travelers and countless corporations and organizations each year. Additional safety protocols and tips can be found below or for the most up-to-date info please visit the NOLA & Co. website.

  • Police patrol on foot as well as motorcycles and Smart Cars throughout the French Quarter, with special attention to Bourbon Street, Royal Street, Chartres Street, Jackson Square, and parks
  • Police patrol Convention Center Boulevard via patrol cars and Polaris carts
  • NOPD officers dressed in fluorescent vests when directing traffic
  • Mounted officers on horseback, when needed
  • Additional portable light boxes on major cross streets
  • Sky Watch towers to increase visibility, observation and police presence during special events
  • Enhanced Blue Light Patrol – proactive patrols with off-duty NOPD officers to increase police presence
  • All eight (8) districts are on 12-hour shifts

Downtown Public Safety Rangers

The Downtown Development District (DDD) created the Public Safety Ranger program as an integral element of Downtown’s public safety network. The Public Safety Rangers are a non-commissioned force of safety professionals who patrol Downtown on foot and on bicycle. They act as extra eyes and ears for the police and the DDD. Rangers are customer-friendly and provide visible coverage throughout Downtown. Visitors Downtown also can utilize the DDD Public Safety Rangers, who are on duty seven days a week from 6 a.m.-10 p.m.

Downtown SafeWalk escorts are offered free of charge within the Downtown DDD boundaries. Call or text 504-415-1730 to check availability.