2025 NSGIC Western States Caucus Roundtable | April 8, 2-4 pm ET
Western states are renowned for their vast and diverse wildlife habitat, as well as their potential to produce renewable energy. These land uses often overlap across the landscape, leading to increasing habitat fragmentation while contributing significantly to the nation’s energy grid. Join the NSGIC Western States Caucus 3rd Annual Roundtable as we delve into these competing uses and the challenges western states face in balancing them, including data sharing and the complex permitting process. Expert speakers will inform discussions in breakout rooms before reporting out to consider recommendations or next steps. The Western States Caucus workgroup hopes you can join us for robust dialog on how we may come together to support wise decision-making on these issues and opportunities.
A long list of federal agencies, state leaders, and non-governmental organizations are among our list of invited guests. Please feel free to extend this invitation to others in your network if you cannot attend or that you think would benefit from attending this informative session.To register yourself for this event, please click here.
To learn more about the Western States Caucus and our initiative, please visit our website.
The purpose of the Western States Caucus is to discuss relevant challenges and issues happening in Western states and identify ways to develop goals and make progress on completing these goals.
If you have any questions about the Western States Caucus, please contact Karen Rogers (kjrogers@blm.gov) or Leland Pierce (leland.pierce@dgf.nm.gov). If you have any technical issues with the website or registration link, please contact Emily Ruetz (emily.ruetz@nsgic.org).