Data Sharing Work Group Reference Library

NSGIC’s Data Sharing Work Group researched ROI and CBA methodologies during 2012 and 2013, to develop the following reference library and general advice for GIS professionals. The Work Group intends for this information to be used to help improve data sharing and maintain open access to government geospatial data.

Economic Studies for GIS Operations (2013) – This document was produced by the work group. The remaining documents on this page supported the work group’s review of the issues.

A Primer for Understanding Benefit-Cost Analysis (2011) – Provided by the Benefit Cost Center, The Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin

An Analysis of Benefits from use of Geographic Information Systems by King County, Washington (2012) – Richard Zerbe and Associates for King County, Washington

Applying a benefits driven approach to GIS implementation (2008) – PA Consulting Group. For more information, contact

Estimating GIS Return on Investment the Empirical Way (2011) –

The Economic Contribution of Ordnance Survey GB (1999) – Oxford Economic Research Associates Ltd for British Ordnance Survey